Thursday, December 30, 2010

Searching for Buried Treasure

Growing up, my first movie in a theater I can remember was Captain Sindbad.  From 6 years of age, this movie left images in my mind for decades later.  This was a movie of adventure; I found the movie trailer from 1963 at ; Don't judge it by today's standards, but those of 40 years ago and if you were only 6 years old!

For most people, pirate movies, or those dealing with treasure like National Treasure, are exciting and we love to watch the adventure and often times put ourselves into the scenes.  BUT what does the treasure look like for you; what would it take for you to leave what you are doing, abandoning everything else, to search for it? Don't go on reading until you have a real clear picture of what that treasure is.

Rick Warren has sold over 25 million copies of the Purpose Driven Life!  Is finding that treasure what you are living for; what gives your life purpose for living and breathing?  Check this out...

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.  Matt 13:44 a statement of Jesus Christ from the Word of God, the Bible

So think about my earlier posts, could this be that there might be treasure and all my life it is what I have been searching for and my life will not be complete until I find it?  Could it be more than than the treasure in National Treasure: Book of Secrets (or more than its gross revenue of $457 million); more than you could ever dream or imagine?  Is Hollywood making movies that play to the vacuum that is already within us; that adventurous searching for buried treasure?

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