Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A New Time

Time is the most precious thing that we consider ours; without it we cannot enjoy loved ones, read, eat, or even breath.  Many things are measured in time; MPH, beats per minute, lunch time, day we are born and the day we die.  Isn't it interesting that we have no ability to make more time; if we waste a few minutes here or there, so what?  SO WHAT, I mean if those were your last few minutes would you waste them?  We only have so many minutes.  I looked up how many a computer thinks I have... 557,206,220 seconds left according to deathclock.com  WOW, that's only 17.5 years left.  

Well, at first that seems really disturbing, but then again, the way things are going and my physical condition, I'm not sure I need more than that.  Here is what I know for sure, only God knows when I will die.  My life is in His hands and not mine.  He doesn't look at things the same way we do and I know that my life here is only a time of refining my character and making my decision who I am and whose I am.

A "new time" started many years ago, 49 years ago, I was born again into the Kingdom of God.  Not all, but most, of that time has been spent in humble service to my King.  Like many a wayward child, I had my moments of wanting my own way, but soon came to my senses and asked for my King's forgiveness which He did not withhold.

We rarely use the time we have well and waste so much of it.  I encourage you to love the Lord God, Creator of this earth with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and love your neighbor as you do yourself.  If you really love someone, you will make sure they know that the straight path into the Kingdom of God is Jesus Christ and there is no other way.  The path is straight and it is narrow, but it leads to a life that never ends in "A New Time".