Friday, January 7, 2011

Hands of the Baker

It has been an interesting process of concentrating the yeast/bacteria in the sourdough starter.  Throwing out 75% of the sponge and adding more flour and water every four hours or so was fun and challenging.  At one point, my wife watched Pet (the name of the starter) for a day and was really worried that she had killed it.  But, it rebounded and it finished well.  

Today, is bread making day.  There were many life pictures of this process:  "death before we can rise", "emptied before we can be filled up", "punched down to rise again".  I think because food, and bread specifically, is so central to our earthly existance that it has fueled thoughts of the process.  The 'Good News' reminds me that,
"Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'" Matt 4:4, quoting Deuteronomy 8:3.

Now that I've finished multiplying the yeast/bacteria, the starter is in a jar in the refrigerator waiting for the next recipe.  It is such a picture of people sitting in pews, dormant, but waiting to be warmed by the Son and called into action.  The pans are ready for the dough and finish the rise.  Soon the smell of fresh baked bread will fill the house.  

Now, the dough is in the hands of the baker.  I'll choose two different pans, one loaf, one round; fresh San Francisco sourdough.  God does not call us to all be the same; we are to be as the baker see it; as the need is, so the bread is made.  I can use it for pancakes, muffins, baggette, rounds, loafs, ......  God uses postmen, plumbers, pastors, doctors, ditch-diggers, door-persons; pick a position and God can use those that are dough, clay, or whatever substance to make us into and for specific uses.

God so desires to go through a similar process with us.  To pour us out and concentrate Himself in us; He kneads us, pushing us with His own hands until the dough is just right.  He loves us so much that He punches us down when we get puffed up with His intent that we would rise again toward a perfected or finished product.

In the hands of the chief Baker, we are perfected and can be used to feed the world.  Jesus do so much with bread in feeding thousands and thousands from small beginnings.  I praise God that I am in His hands and not left in my own.

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